
ISIT2021 Technical Program Is Now Available
The ISIT2021 technical program is now available at https://2021.ieee-isit.org/TechnicalProgram.asp . The virtual ISIT2021 begins on Monday, July 12 at 7 am (Australian Eastern Standard Time). It may still be Sunday for many people.
Jun 7, 2021

The virtual ISIT2021 begins on Monday, July 12 at 7 am (Australian Eastern Standard Time). It may still be Sunday for many people.

The format of the is very different from past versions of ISIT.

It is designed to promote online engagement and reduce zoom fatigue with the authors via these key features:

  • The program is spread over 9 days
  • Lightning presentations occur in groups of three in micro-sessions (20 minutes)
  • Engagement rooms for each paper are available immediately following each micro-session

You may notice that the topics of consecutive micro-sessions are quite different. This is to allow authors to break out to engagement rooms and return in time to attend the upcoming micro-session on a similar topic of interest.

Read the on the ISIT2021 website.Â