
Call for Recent Results Posters: 2024 The International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA2024)
ISITA2024 will be held on November 10–13, 2024 , at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, TAIWAN. We are happy to announce that the submission page for the recent results poster session at ISITA2024 is now open!
Jul 11, 2024
image of taiwan

2024 The International Symposium on Information Theory and Its Applications (ISITA2024)

November 10–13, 2024, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, TAIWAN

Conference Homepage:  

===Recent Results Posters

We welcome submissions for the recent results poster session at ISITA2024.

Submission Deadline:   August 14, 2024, 23:59, AoE (Extended) 
Acceptance Notification: August 21, 2024

Authors who wish to present their work in the poster session and to have their abstract included in the symposium proceedings should submit a one-page abstract via EDAS.

For more information, please follow

We are looking forward to seeing you at ISITA2024!

ISITA2024 Committee members