
Workshop in memory of Franti拧ek Mat煤拧 (August 2019)
Th]e workshop will be organized as a part of the conference Prague Stochastics 2019, to be held in August 19鈥23, 2019, in UTIA, the Institute of Information Theory and Automation of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague.
Mar 14, 2019

The workshop will be devoted to聽Franti拧ek Mat煤拧 , who passed away on May 17, 2018. His research interests reached several mathematical fields. He was involved in information theory, probability theory, statistics, geometry, algebra, and matroid theory. The workshop to commemorate him is intended to be multidisciplinary, involving these fields in which Franti拧ek聽worked, and the areas close to his interests. We particularly welcome contributions devoted to information geometry, entropic regions, information inequalities, cryptography, polymatroids, optimization of convex integral functionals, discrete Markovian random sequences, conditional independence, semi-graphoids, graphical models, exponential families, and algebraic statistics.

The workshop will take place at his home institution. Presentations at the workshop will include about ten invited talks given by experts in the area of his interest, and contributions from registered participants on close topics. A preliminary list of main speakers include:

  • L谩szl贸 Csirmaz (Renyi Institute, Budapest)
  • Imre Csisz谩r (Renyi Institute, Budapest)
  • Thomas Kahle (OvGU, Magdeburg)
  • Seffen Lauritzen (University of Copenhagen)
  • Carles Padr贸 (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya)
  • Johannes Rauh (Max Planck Institute)
  • Andrei Romashchenko (Laboratoire d鈥橧nformatique, Montpellier)
  • Bernd Sturmfels (Max Planck Institute)
  • Raymong Yeung (Chinese University of Hong Kong)
  • Piotr Zwiernik (Barcelona)

Shorter contributed talks or posters will be selected from submitted abstracts by the program committee. The option to present open problems within smaller topic-specific sessions, moderated by invited chairs, is also considered, and will depend on the interest expressed by the preregistered participants. No confer- ence fee is planned.

If you are interested in participating, please use the pre-registration form

and provide us with an abstract of a suggested presentation by聽 May 17, 2019 .

Program Committee:

  • Nihat Ay (MPI MIS, Leipzig)
  • L谩szl贸 Csirmaz (Renyi Institute, Budapest)
  • Milan Studeny 虂 (UTIA, Prague)