
Joint postdoc position at MIT and Northeastern University
Joint postdoc position at MIT and Northeastern University, in the area of multi-layered interdependent networks, sponsored by Prof. Eytan Modiano and Prof. Edmund Yeh.
May 6, 2016

A joint postdoc position at MIT and Northeastern University, in the area of multi-layered interdependent networks, is available immediately.  The selected candidate will be working within the research groups of Prof. Eytan Modiano and Prof. Edmund Yeh. Details regarding the research groups can be found at and .

Specific topics of focus include (1) modeling of multi-layer interdependent networks: impact of failures in one layer of a cyber-physical system on other layers of the network, taking into account dynamic spatial, temporal, and graphical network correlations; (2) conducting both microscopic as well as macroscopic analysis of the impact of attacks on layered networks; probabilistically characterizing the speed and spread of failures, taking into account underlying network structures, and interactions between various functionalities and dependent layers; (3) control for robustness and containment: designing network control techniques for stopping failure cascades in multi-layer and multi-dependent networks.

The appointment will be for a period of 12 months, with a possibility for renewal.  Applicants should have a Ph.D. degree, a strong mathematical background, and a good publication record. Interested applicants should submit a current CV, a 1-page research statement and a list of three references.  Candidates should contact us via email at [email protected] or [email protected]