
Committee members 31929

Departments of Statistics and EECS
University of California at Berkeley
367 Evans Hall #3860
Berkeley, CA 94720

Homepage Slideshow

What kinds of images should we highlight in the slideshow on the main homepage?

The new website provides an image "slideshow" or "carousel" to highlight various things. ÌýCurrently we have an image of Shannon, ISIT 2008, and the Transactions (which is a bit too low-res for final production). ÌýSome graphics work is required for someone to submit an image with the right dimensions, but otherwise posting the image is pretty trivial.


Homepage Shortcuts

What kinds of links should we have in the "Join - Participate - Contribute" box on the main webpage?

The idea of this box is to have "shortcuts" for doing various things on the site that we want to emphasize or make easy. ÌýPlease let me know if you have ideas on how to make the best use of this space. ÌýSome initial ideas are there, but they are easy enough to change.

Domain Name

Should we keep or change the 'itsoc.org' domain name?

Our current domain name is 'itsoc.org'. ÌýGiven everything else we are addressing with the new website, we *could* change the domain name to something else, e.g., 'ieee-its.org', or 'informationtheorysociety.org'. ÌýI'm not advocating a change, but just want to emphasize that if for some reason we want to make a change, launching the new website gives us a good excuse to go ahead and do so.