
Taxi Sharing Board

Use this board to coordinate and share a taxi to get to USC.

To modify or add a line, click on the "edit" tab above, select a cell, and then click on "Table" (to the right of the "HTML" button) and select "add" a row. You can also click on "HTML" and edit the HTML code directly.

Committees 2008

Nominations and Appointments Committee:

David Neuhoff, Senior Past President (Ex-Officio and Chair)
Bixio Rimoldi, Junior Past President (Ex-Officio)
Bruce Hajek (2009)
Prakash Narayan (2010)
Alon Orlitsky (2008)

Constitution and Bylaws Committee:

David Neuhoff, Senior Past President (Ex-Officio and Chair)
Bixio Rimoldi, Junior Past President (Ex-Officio)

Committees 2007

Nominations Committee:

David Neuhoff (Chair)
Steven McLaughlin
Sergio Verdu

Constitution and Bylaws Committee:

David Neuhoff (Chair)
Steven McLaughlin

Claude E. Shannon Award Committee:

Bixio Rimoldi (Ex-Officio and Chair)
Marc Fossorier (Ex-Officio)
Andrea Goldsmith (Ex-Officio)
Richard Blahut
Thomas Cover
Jim Massey
Robert McEliece