

We start the first issue by congratulating all the members of our community who have recently received prestigious awards and honors. We then have a special note from the EiC of the Transactions on Information Theory (Muriel M茅dard), regarding a new plan for the editorial team. Next, we have two reports on: (i) ITSoc Diversity and Inclusion, surveyed by Nihar Shah and Stark Draper; and (ii) the 9th Van der Meulen Seminar in honor of Frans Willems. We continue with the minutes from the Board of Governors meeting that was held virtually this March. With sadness, we include a tribute to Robert Lucky and Alexander Vardy who passed away this March. We conclude with a new format of call for papers, conference calendar, and call for nominations.


Announcements, news, and events intended for both the newsletter and the website, such as award announcements, calls for nominations, and upcoming conferences, can be submitted at the IT Society website http://www.itsoc.org. Articles, reports, and columns can be e-mailed to me at聽[email protected]听(辞谤 [email protected]) with a subject line that includes the phrase 鈥淚T newsletter.鈥 Or the submission can be made directly by the authors at http://www.itsoc.org/newsletter/submit.

Next few deadlines:

  • May 10, 2022 for the issue of June 2022;
  • August 10, 2022 for the issue of September 2022;
  • November 10, 2022 for the issue of December 2022.

Note for email submission:

Any formats (plain text, LaTeX, and word files) are allowed; do not worry about fonts or layout as this will be taken care of by us. Electronic photos and graphics should be in high resolution and sent as separate files.